Written by Simone Maglassis, CPT, ACSM, ACE There's a lot of paper work in this business. Maybe not as much as a lawyer, but still enough that you have to organize it and stay on top of it. It took me YEARS yes years (over 6 years to be exact). To figure out the best system that worked for me. So I'm happy to share what I've learned, what I'm still working on and how to keep your clients organized and therefore make you look more professional. Keep in mind that I'm an in-home and virtual personal trainer so not everything will apply to you. Here's what I learned: How I Organize ClientsI got a large binder and on a blank piece of paper put each client's name with a sticky tab on the paper. From there I put each client's information under their name with additional extra sheets of paper for my notes. I then added a separate section in the back for additional materials such as extra measurement sheets, tracking forms, waivers etc. To stay even more organized I included reinforcements in the back of the binder in case any of the holes on the papers ripped. I also included a sticky bad for new clients and if I ever wanted to highlight anything I could stick it on their programs or meal plans. I also included multiple pens and white out, my business cards and a section for my clipboard. How I Organize my Office:Photo by Slava Keyzman on Unsplash Have a Good SetupI only got a computer and started utilizing my desk very recently. Before I'd do everything on my laptop and throw papers in folders to never be seen again until I went on a frantic search. Have a proper desk and computer with all your office stuff nearby. Have a Filing SystemYou can easily buy these from a craft store nearest you and even get one that's just a folder or a standalone with other compartments like I did. I recommend this one from Ikea where it's all built in for you. You can see this is more detail in the above video. This way you can sort your clients important documents in alphabetic order easily and then slide the drawer shut. Keep Everything TogetherThis may seem obvious but it's funny how things can get moved around. Have a home for everything and keep office stuff together. Have your printer paper by your printer, hole puncher by your stapler etc. It makes everything more smooth and seamless. Have Extra Cartridge's on HandI print a lot. Programs, meal plans, articles, measurement sheets (see my free stuff to get some for yourself). It's good to have a back up. I used to have a printer that used to deliver the ink to my house when it started to run low which made it even more convenient. What to Take & What Stays in the OfficeShould you bring your BMI & Body fate percentage reader? Measurement tape? Stop watch? Keep their finished meal plan at home since they already have a copy? Have all the Important Forms on HandKeep the measurement sheet on you as well as the BMI chart, heart rate targets etc. Whatever you find yourself and clients always referring to and referencing. Get free copies for yourself by going to the FREE Stuff section. Create a Section for Inactive ClientsSometimes clients disappear, get sick, have situations that occur in their lives that pauses their sessions. Keep them in a separate section in your files as they could come back anytime and you want to appear ready to get back to where you left off. Photo by Omar Roque on Unsplash Use a BackpackWe're all so used to the exercise gym bag but it's not the best on ergonomics. With a backpack you can keep the weight evenly on your shoulders and protect yourself from aches and pains. Of course this isn't 100% guaranteed and you'll need a gym bag as well to store your larger equipment but see how much you can fit in your backpack. Another great option is using a suitcase of a gym bag that has wheels. It's better to push and pull rather than lift and carry. Photo by Eco Warrior Princess on Unsplash Have a ClipboardThis will keep everything together when you're with that specific client and will stop you from having to sort through all the rest. Plus, you'll just look more official once you have one. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash Have the Right Equipment for YouWhat are you most familiar with working with? What is easy to carry and move around? Start with that rather than what's the most popular and you'll go a long way. From there you can build up your equipment and tools. Here's some things you can purchase right away:
I hope this helps you in some way or gives you some insight. What do you do to stay organized?
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Simone is a certified in-home & virtual personal trainer, precision nutrition coach and ACE functional training specialist. Her mission is to help people on their fitness & health journey.
She also loves hair and skincare. When she's not figure skating, reading or writing, Simone loves to relax and watch Netflix with her little family. All information provided by Simone (Guishard) Maglassis and simonesfitfunlife.com is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as legal, medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Simone Maglassis and/or simonesfitfunlife.com harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.