We all want them but we either don't want to put in the work or have no clue how to get them. Did you know that not all of us are even capable of having those clear cut, cheese grater 6 pack abs? Every ones abs look different because it is determined by your genes, the length of your tendons and more. Find out why here: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/why-abs-look-different. Even more so, the definition of your abs change throughout the day. For instance, after eating a meal they won't be as visible, but in the morning and while your training they will be more visible. Here are my abs right after eating breakfast: Sometimes they are super defined, other times not. But the main take away is that It goes deeper than just the six pack. The anatomy of the abdominals:
Why targeting all abdominal muscles is so important:
Great, now you know all the good stuff. But knowing is very different from doing. Stay tuned for what I think are the 10 best ab exercises. When it comes to training your abs, please don't overkill. You only need to train them 2-3 times a week on non consecutive days especially because the rest of your routine probably already has the core involved (think push ups, burpees, etc.). The most important thing of all? This picture says it all: Sorry to burst your bubble, but abs are made in the kitchen and so is the rest of your body. But no need to fret! Check back next week for my ab diet that gives you all the secrets to getting a strong and visible core.
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